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Collection Agency or Attorney: Which is Right for your Business?

When you decide to get some outside help to recover bast debt for your business, you want to make sure that you select a partner that will get you the very best results. Whether you select a collection agency or an attorney to help you will depend on several factors:collection_agency_or_attorney

Do you have a large number of smaller, uncontested files? Do you want a continued, focused collection effort that involves phone calls and letters? An agency is your best bet. Need research on debtors or credit bureau reporting? Again, a collection agency. Things get a little more dicey if you have a large complex disputed debt that will require considerable litigation, and you should seek expert legal expertise. 

Your best bet, is to find a collection agency that has a relationship with experienced collection attorneys. That way, you will get all the benefits of both approaches. It is one thing to go to court and get a judgment, but another thing entirely to collect on a judgment. The right partnership between agency and attorney will deliver judgments that collect!

Looking to hire a collection agency but not sure where to turn? Download our free e-book today!


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