Collection agencies should be able to research files to find people, their contact information and their assets, This process, commonly known as “skip tracing” is an important part of the collection process. Here is an example of how a collection agency can use skip tracing to get old debts paid.
Our client was a small home heating oil company with a good credit department. They work hard to collect a good amount of money on their own. They submitted two files to us that they had contacted numerous times without success. Both files were over two years old and totaled over $ 10,000.
Since we knew that the files had both been worked hard before coming to us, we immediately began researching them to find out what might be wrong.
For the first file, we looked and were able to determine that the homeowner who incurred the debt had passed away. We contacted the probate court in his town and learned that there was an estate open and contacted the attorney handling the estate. The estate paid the bill within 30 days.
In the second case, we were able to determine that the homeowner had sold his home and moved out of state. We found his new address and contacted him. When the house was sold, he was paid at closing for the oil remaining in the tank, but since he had moved and not heard from anyone, he thought he no longer would have to pay. Once we made contact with him, he gladly provided immediate payment of the full balance.
When you hire a collection agency, make sure they include research as part of their fee. Never pay an additional fee for research.
People found means money found.
Looking to hire a collection agency but not sure where to start? We can help!