Treat others the way you would want to be treated under the same circumstances.
This is so relevant especially in today’s climate. When we are on the other side of this pandemic, after being isolated and having time to miss our co-workers, neighbors, family, friends, the pool guy, our hairdresser, our nail salon personnel, our doctors and dentists, our local pubs, restaurants and so many more, I hope we are all reborn with a new sense of compassion and general respect for each other. After all, COVID-19 treated each of us equally.
Take this approach with your established clients and patients and add a new dose of “Corona kindness/compassion”. Be flexible with current and new clients, offer payment plans, extend credit, just be sure to always document these offers.
Call now and call often the clients that owe you money.
The one thing that I found that has worked for me in collecting debt is consistency. Making consistent contact with debtor’s through calls/email will more often than not, result in success. I try to not let more than a few days transpire from my initial call and a follow-up call/email. This is a great rule of thumb to apply to your accounts receivable. Try and not let more than 30-60 days pass before you send out reminder notices, make phone calls, send email reminders. I believe in the old saying “out of sight, out of mind” which couldn’t be truer about past due bills!
Today I left the security of my office and ventured out to the store and guess what I saw? People working, landscapers, utility workers, delivery drivers, gas station attendants, convenience store employees, bank workers, essential retail workers (food, liquor stores, business supply stores, etc.) which can only mean one thing – lots of people are still employed!